Wednesday, 19 February 2014

What Happens in Vegas

I've been caching up a storm in Vegas, and falling behind on the blog, so here's a bit of a catch up.

The biggest surprise in this area is the well developed network of walking and biking trails all over the place. And not just your sawdust and gravel begrudging one-dog path, either, these are fully paved (some even centre lined), with rest stops. Great stuff. Some of them also have convenient mile markers embedded in the asphalt. This one is on the "Neon to Nature" trail:

I've been doing a lot of geoarts in the desert, which are usually pretty predictable but good for the numbers, but I've also been finding a lot of really creative caches. Here is a sampling.

(The Early Bird Gets the Worm, but the Second Mouse gets the Cheese)

(in the middle of nowhere behind a tree)

I'm used to seeing tiny caches noted as "log only", which means there is no room for swag, but when an ammo box is tagged "log only", you wonder:

yep, quite literally "Log Only"

At "Pinky Bison Wants to be an Astronaut", you had to launch the spring loaded bison tube from the nose cone of the rocket. (Another in the series had him fired from the torpedo tube of a submarine)

One cacher memorialized her father with a cache at his grave site. It was in the inverted flower holder at the front centre of the picture. The cache name came from the stash of "angel" pins in the container.
Your Guardian Angel is Waiting

Vegas isn't all desert, though, there are mountains close by. One day I went from the very epitome of springtime (blossoms and bees) the Vegas snowline.

They actually have a ski hill further up.

You've heard of Las Vegas being called "Lost Wages"? This all too common casino sign could be why...