Saturday, 19 October 2013

Migration Time

It's been a great summer for weather in Otter Point, can't remember a better one. And even though the sun continues, the days are starting to get shorter, and the smell of Fall is in the air. The local supply of caches is getting exhausted, too, so it's time to follow the bird(brain)s south. I'm also getting accusatory looks from my navigator Mishu, like "we'll never get anywhere if we don't get on the road, you know".  :-)

Have we left yet?
We're pointed for our first major stay in a town called 29 Palms in California, NW of Palm Springs. We aren't rushing to get there, we'll be staying in Vancouver WA, Grants Pass OR, Sacramento CA and Bakersfield CA before arriving in 29 Palms on Nov. 1.

Unlike the past two blogs (Go East Young Meme and the Grand Dixie Tour), I'm not going to try to post daily, it'll just be too much over the 5 1/2 months I plan to be away. I'll try to post (roughly) weekly updates.

As you can tell by the title of the blog, caching's the name of the game this time out. Good friends and neighbours Doug and Shannon have a winter home in San Jacinto, not far from 29 Palms, so I expect we'll embark on some joint forays to plunder the local treasures.

So here we are at the Pacific Border RV Park, poised to hit the border in the morning. Picked up a few caches here just to keep my streak alive, and have mapped out all the rest stops with caches between here and our first US stop in Vancouver WA.

Cache on!


  1. have a safe drive down south, find lots of caches and we will see you soon!

  2. Lucy and I wish you a safe trip. We both look forward to more caching when you return to God's Country, but meantime, I'll keep Lucy, who, clever as she is, hasn't mastered reading yet, up to date on your blogs. She will miss you terribly - I think you are her favorite person besides me, you know, because of our caching trips.

  3. Ah, the fun of the open road. Have a super time in and on the way to California. Happy caching!
